Sometimes when going through a difficult time, whether during times of anxiety or stress, or in particular whilst going through cancer treatment, nausea can set in. Nausea can be tricky to negotiate and manage however, ginger or raw apple cider vinegar may help combat it and here is a really great recipe from Nutritionist Mikki Williden:
Try ginger root in hot or sparkling water with some raw apple cider vinegar and a touch of stevia for sweetness. I would recommend a sweetener, such as stevia as, unlike sugar, it’s not going to affect blood sugar, energy and stress hormone levels. Manuka honey is another alternative, ideally consumed with a source of fat or protein (such as nuts) to help reduce the impact on blood sugar.
This is a great recipe to make for a Warrior if you are a Support Crew member. Just make up in advance and take along and drop off at your Warriors’ home. This is a particularly great idea as there’s enough to last up to four days. Then all they need to do is warm it up and sip away!
Anti-inflammatory drink:
4 inch piece fresh turmeric (or two teaspoons organic dried turmeric)
3 inch piece of ginger (or one tablespoon organic powdered ginger)
3 lemons, peeled
Dash cayenne
4 cups water
(add stevia to taste – optional)
- Put all ingredients into a blender
- Blend together until smooth.
This is enough for 4 days. Remember to keep in the fridge.
If you’re as Support Crew member, or a Warrior in need of some inspiration, check out more great recipes here: Make & Take or Shop & Drop.